Fix Safari Cursor Jumping to starting point while typing in Google Search? :  iOS 17/ iPhone


Many iPhone user after updating to iOS 17 are reporting issue while typing in Google search that the Text cursor automatically jumps to starting position. The issue is making difficult to type on the iPhone and Google search bar as the cursor keeps changing its position to left side.

The issue is seem on Chrome, Safari browser where the  google search cursor moving to beginning of text. Searching something on google on safari is really annoying on iPhone , Macbook . The cursor on Google search text bar does not stay at its position and automatically changes its position to start of the line.

Safari Cursor Jumping to starting point

Why Google Search bar Cursor keeps moving to front ?


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If you are also facing issue with cursor moving to left in the Google Search bar then its is not an issue with the iPhone or iOS 17, MacBook, Windows PC, and it is happening due to a Google bug which was reported few years back by many other users also..


How to fix Google Search bar Cursor Jumping to left side ?

If you also facing issue in difficulty to place the cursor at different places of the google search line then below possible fix can help you to fix the issue :

Fix : Turn off Java script

The Google Issue of cursor moving to beginning of line is due to Java script not loading properly issue. To fix this issue you should turn off the Javascript on the Browser and the PC/Macbook. In Safari to turn off javascript Go to Safari > Preferences > Security > Web Content.

Fix : iPhone setting change

Some iPhone users on iOS 17 reported the issue and able to fix the focus item setting in iPhone. Open iPhone settings -> switch control, focused item after tap, it’s set to first item. This will also fix cursor issue.

Fix :Use other browser :

The Google bug of cursor keeps changing position is seen on some browser only , while other browsers like Firefox or Microsoft Edge are not having this issue. So please try different browser to avoid this issue.

Fix : Use different search engine

Google bug of cursor keeps changing to left is due to Bug on Google side. So the issue will not happen with other search engines like yahoo or brave. So until the issue is fixed by Google try any other search engine.

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