Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Some Starfiled users are facing issue that Texture Mods is Not Working for them. To add the Texture mods you need to change and update the StarfieldCustom.ini and put it in the right directory StarfieldCustom.ini goes into [Drive Directory] :\Users\[YourUserName]\Documents\My Games\Starfield. But still adding it to the right path the Texture mods is not working.
There are lots of issue or bugs reported by the the Starfield players and Texture mods issue seems to be new one for the mods. In this article we have listed some possible way to fix the Texture mods not working.
Please note that the Texture mods are not supposed to go to your data folder, but the Documents\My Games\Starfield\Data folder
IF you have placed the file in right area then go to Data/textures folder in your user\Documents\My Games\Starfield\ folder and delete the Data/textures folder. Now add those two lines into custom ini:
bEnableMessageOfTheDay = 0
after that, all texture mods in data folder (game exe location) should work normally. Hope this helps to fix the issue. Please let us know in the comment section.