Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Youtube is now the largets video hosting site and has billions of user using it on diffrent devices like phones, smart tv , touch pads etc .It is old video content platforms and lots of users are using it continoulsy. Latest tech and high quality makes Youtube class apart.
Usually the Youtue works greate and do not face regular bugs or issue but recently many user are facing issue with YouTube that playback speed button is missing and disappeared. The issue is mainly faced by Smart TV, Google TV, Android TV user and ChromeCast and Console users. The playback speed option just disappeared. General troubleshooting steps like rebooting the devices etc does not seems to fix the issue.
This is annoying to see the issue as Youtube app on tv had playback speed option from long time and suddenly the option disappeared randomly.
One user reported
I had the playback speed button on my PS4 up until 20 minutes ago. I started a new video and it played at regular speed. Now the option is completely gone.
The issue could be with the youtube app not able to work properly due to some sofware glitch. There is one workaround to fix Playback speed control missing. Just Reinstalled the app on the Android TV, Smart TV and reboot the TV or console and option to control the speed should reappear.
The issue could be on Youtube side. It could be with the app changes or some server side issue in the YouTube. In this case you should wait for sometime and wait for official update from the YouTube. Just Check for pending updates from YouTube, Wait for sometime for getting server side issues fixed by support team.