Fix Google Searches are Redirecting to Another Site/ Bing?


Have you ever experienced a situation when your Google search redirects you to Bing or Google Searches are Redirecting to Another Site? Using Bing will not bring any harm, but it’s risky to use any random sites popping result in place of Google. Also it’s annoying to turn to another search engine instead of getting search results in your default browser. The issue is seen across diffrent devices like iPhone, Android phones, Windows PC, Macbook etc on Chrome and Safari browsers etc.

When you directly type in the URL of your browsers the Default searches should open in the Google result but due to the issue the Google Searches are Redirecting to Another Site. Google redirect error occurs due to a browser hijacker, a type of malware that changes your browser settings without prior notice. The browser error often redirects users to dangerous, illegitimate websites that risk data and device security. 

Google search going to spam

Google Searches are Redirecting to Another Site: An Overview


Google Searches are Redirecting to Another Site” is a common malware known as a browser hijacker. The malware infects significant browsers such as Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge, to name a few. 

Eventually, the error performs unwanted tweaks to your default browser settings, forcing you to perform queries in another search engine. 


Even though the Bing redirect virus is not as dangerous as other malware or ransomware, the major risk is that it redirects you to suspicious websites. 

For example”, if you search for how mac extract text from image files or how to use Spotlight, the search will take you to another site without referencing your query. 

These websites are home to cyber criminals and are often used to distribute malicious programs like trojans and adware. But how would you know that your system is infected with malware? 

Symptoms of Google Redirect Error :

google malware causing search on bing

When experiencing a browser hijacker virus for the first time, it might be confusing to learn about the symptoms.  Here are a few things that you should keep note of to identify the virus. 

  • Google Searches are Redirecting to Another Site / Bing: That’s how the browser hijacker works. When you type in your query, the browser redirects you to another search engine named Bing. To eliminate this error, you need to reset the browser settings and then scan your computer thoroughly. 
  • Ads keep popping up frequently: Advertisements are part of the online world, and you can’t ignore them. But if too many banners and pop-ups start to degrade your browsing experience, the possibilities are that your computer is the victim of a browser hijacker virus. 
  • New tabs keep appearing: When you perform a search and a new tab appears, it’s another symptom informing and alerting you about the Bing redirect virus. Sometimes, the new browser tab redirects you to suspicious websites that contain illegitimate content. 

These are some of the symptoms that tell your computer is dealing with a browser hijacker issue. Let’s now move on to the resolution methods. 

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How to Prevent Google Searches are Redirecting to Another Site ?

it is worth to note that if your default Google Searches are Redirecting to Another Site then there is a potential ways to get rid of the Google redirect virus. Also, learning preventive methods will help you avoid getting a browser hijacker or any other malware program on your computer. 

Scan Your Computer using Antivirus

Best way to fix Google Searches are Redirecting to Another Site is to use a legitimate Anti Virus. Browser hijackers can be anywhere on a computer, and manually identifying any malicious file is challenging. Several antivirus applications provide excellent protection against malware, so install a responsive antivirus app on your computer and run a scan often. 

Update Your Browser Version 

If you run an outdated Chrome version on your computer, you are more likely to get infected with viruses and malware. So, update the browser regularly when a new version is available to avoid getting such errors. 

Install Apps from Legitimate Websites 

When you download an app or program on your computer, get it from a reliable site. Downloading apps from the manufacturer’s website is preferred; however, double-check the credibility of the link before you click the download button to avoid virus intrusion.

Reset Default Browser Settings 

When your system is infected with the Bing redirect virus, it alters your browser’s default settings, so you land on random websites. To get to the Setting in Google, click the three-dot icon and select Settings. Now tweak the settings to prevent errors

Avoid Clicking Suspicious Links 

Google Searches are Redirecting to Another Site

Emails are a popular way to channel phishing attempts, as even the most suspicious links are displayed as legitimate. In the first place, avoid opening email messages you receive from unknown senders, and never click on the links without inspecting their credibility. 

Delete Browser Extensions and Add-Ons 

To fix Google Searches are Redirecting to Another Site, you should remove any suspected extension installed in your Browser. To do that Open Chrome-> Right click on three dots at top right corner-> Select More More tools. Extensions.Next to the extension you want to remove, select Remove.

Extensions and add-ons are meant to make our browsing more meaningful and seamless. However, several extensions can contain malicious elements that pose a risk to your data. Delete any outdated add-ons as well as those that you no longer use. 

Update Your OS and Web Browsers Regularly

Similar to browsers, apps, and other programs, your operating system needs a regular update. The manufacturers often throw the latest updates, including security patches that keep such risks at bay. So, install updates manually when a new version is available. 

So, the article is your ultimate guide to browser hijacker virus, its symptoms, and how to eliminate it from your computer. It also explains the steps to prevent your computer from virus attacks. 

Conclusion: Hope this article helps you do to understand Why Google Searches are Redirecting to Another Site and how you can fix it.

— Read : Google TV unable to download purchased movies

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