Why Facebook not saving recent searches ?


Facebook which is one the largest social media platforms used by billions on people. The reason for Facebook success is interactive wall and how it kept adding new features. But with time different issues are faced by the Facebook users on mobile, iPhone, Android, PC and Macbook. One such issue recently reported is with Facebook is not showing the recent searches made by the users.

Why Facebook not saving recent searches ?
Facebook search not saving ?

It seems that the Facebook is not saving searches. The issue started randomly ad nothing was changed from user end but still the Facebook users are not able to recent searches done by them.

Why Facebook searches not saving:


The Facebook keeps on releasing updates on server side and client (mobile app etc) side. So there are high chances that the Search punctuality is not working due to some glitch in the Facebook. This is also possible due to FB app update done on your iPhone/Android phones. However there may be many other reason for it also but mostly the issue is linked to new updates of Facebook or user phone.

How to fix Facebook Recent searches not getting saved : iPhone Android, iPad , PC Windows:

Since the issue related to Facebook searches history is not saved or shown to user could be at user end or Facebook end, you can try some possible solution to fix the issue.  Try to logout from your Facebook account on your phone and delete the app from your phone. Delete any cached data from phone settings. Now reinstall the app and re-login on the Facebook. Fresh reinstall will also update the Facebook app to latest version. Check if now the searches are getting saved or not. If this also does not work then check storage of your phone. If your phone is left with minimal storage then the apps will not be able to work smoothly and will keep on glitching specially when data needs to be saved in your phone.


If you using the Facebook on your PC then make sure that you test the issue on different browsers like Firefox, Brave etc. If the issue is consistent on all browsers. Try deleting the browsers data and cookies.

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