How to fix Viki not working on TV with Roku device ?


Many Roku users are facing issue that the Viki is not working on their device. The issue is annoying as the Viki won’t display videos, keeps kicking me back to Roku main page. Infact many users are not able to watch Viki on Roku and keeps on saying that you have to   subscribe to viki pass, but already a subscriber.

How to fix Viki not working on TV with Roku device ?

Viki app is working fine on the PC and laptop and it seems that the issue is of viki app only on Roku. Only on Roku when you choose an actual Viki EPISODE and attempt to load it opens back off the app.  


There are many users affected with the issue across  the world and it sems like a bug in Roku and viki integration. But users are really frustrated with the issue and don’t have any idea how to fix the viki Roku app issue. If you are also not able to watch Viki on Roku them please try below possible fix and lets us know in comment section if it helped :

How to fix Viki not working on Roku/ Episodes not loading :

  • First thing that you can try is try re-booting the device and Roku.Power off the device completely and turn it ON again. 
  • log out from you Roku account and reboot the device. Once the device is up again try logging in the account again and check if it works.  
  • If you are using the Viki using access code then you should try again by entering the passcode again.

If none of the above solution helped you then the issue could be due to server side issue in Roku or Viki, Please waif for sometime. Usually the issue gets resolved after some hours in such cases.


read: iOS account managar

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