Fix Cloud Sync Not Working when Playing on Multiple Xbox Systems ?


Many Xbox Series X/S and one users are reporting issue with the Xbox not able to sync data to cloud and keep getting an error message “Your other Xbox console is taking a long time to sync to the cloud”. (source 1 )

The issue happens when you are using two Xbox system with same account. The issue is seen with many different games like Starfield whose data not synching to cloud and keeps on showing error “Your other Xbox console is taking a long time to sync to the cloud

Starfield data not synching to cloud ! We currently play Starfield via Xbox Series X, Cloud via Xbox App, Cloud via Apple & Cloud via Samsung TV.”


The problem of cloud sync stuck or not working on XBOX may appear to be an issue with the network, but even on different network with better speed the Xbox system still not able to sync the game data to cloud.

our other Xbox console is taking a long time to sync to the cloud

Also multiple restarts, deleting local save data & forced re-sync on the Xbox Series X does not seem to help to fix the issue (source 1).


If you are also using two XBOX system to play game and not able to sync data to cloud then you are not alone, but good news is that there is a fix available to resolve the issue.

How to fix  Cloud Sync Not Working on multiple Xbox X/S/One/ PC systems ?

If you are playing Game or Starfield on different multiple system then the cloud sync seems to broken and not able to sync data to cloud. To fix that you have to sign out from the devices before logging into other XBOX device.

  • Play on primary system XBOX
  • Save game
  • Exit to main menu (quit game) or you can Force quite the game so it’s fully stopped
  • Manually sign out
  • Wait for 5-10 min
  • Logged into 2nd Xbox

This seems to fix the issue and cloud sync should start working now on the secondary Xbox as well.

Also you should check for any error code thrown by the Game or the Xbox like the error code “0x80830003” indicates that your Xbox is out of space. In this case free up some hard drive space on your console before synching data to cloud.

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