How to fix Facebook Professional Mode Not Showing ?


There are lots of benefits using the Facebook Professional Mode on your account as it gives you lots of tool access to get insight and build your strong presence. But recently many Facebook users are not able to turn on the professional mode on their profile. As “option to turn on Facebook Professional Mode is missing”. The issue is seen on both iPhone and Android and webversion. If you are also not seeing Facebook professional mode then this article is for you.

Professional Mode on Facebook is also reported with many other issues like “Facebook Professional profile not loading”, “Facebook Professional stuck forever”, “feature not available on Facebook Professional” etc. Surely this is annoying to have such issues in Facebook Professional.

Facebook Professional Mode Not Showing

How to fix Facebook professional mode not showing 2023

To turn ON the professional mode on Facebook you need to first ensure that your profile in unlocked. Professional mode in Facebook is only available to unlocked profiles. To unlock your profile please follow below steps:


Steps to turn ON the professional mode on Facebook:

  • First you need to unlock your profile
  • Open your profile page on Facebook
  • Below you name in right side, click on 3 dots.
How to fix Facebook Professional Mode Not Showing ?
  • Open you Facebook profile
  •  click on unlock profile
How to fix Facebook Professional Mode Not Showing ?
  • click unlock
  • Once you have unlocked your profile now everyone can see your photos and videos, posts. anyone on Facebook can follow your profile and see your public content.
  • Now after successfully unlocking the profile you will see option to turn ON the professional mode on Facebook.
How to fix Facebook Professional Mode Not Showing ?

If still Facebook Professional mode option not showing in profile, then you should try deactivating and re-activating your profile on Facebook. To do go to Settings > Privacy > Your Facebook information. Click Deactivation of profile.

If still Professional mode option is not showing up in profile then you should try reaching Facebook support and explain your issue to them.

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