How to fix Facebook market place not loading images : iPhone/Android?


Facebook market place is not growing section of the Facebook. The best part is that it will show you all your nearby items and details about the product. It also show you the profile of the seller or buyer so that you can be sure about the identity.

But for many users the Facebook marketplace is buggy and is not showing many information. Specially the photos from the Facebook  market place is missing for many users. The items listed on Facebook marketplace do not have any picture or does not load the picture and show Photos are loading as black boxes, empty boxes or broken images.The issue is faced on different devices including iPhone, Android phones,iPad ,iOS 15 etc.

How to fix Facebook market place not loading images : iPhone/Android?
If photos or video not loading on facebook then check these basic settings :
  • Check if you have images turned on in your Facebook data usage settings.
  • Check if you have images enabled in your phone’s mobile web browser settings. This is usually found on the main settings page or under the image quality menu.

Solution : Try different network


Sometimes due to firewall setting on the network (office network) photos and video may not load on some sites. So try using mobile data instead of WiFI and check if it works fine over there or not.

Fix : Logout and Login back

One easy workaround to fix the issue is to simply logout your account from Facebook. Uninstall the app and reinstall the latest version from PlayStore or Appstore. This should fix any issue related to your profiles error.


Solution : Clear Cache on Android phone

Due to some glitch in the Facebook App setting you might be seeing such issues like photos not showin on FB marketplace. To fix that try clearing the cache. On Android, clear the cache by going to “Settings -> Apps & notifications -> Tap on Facebook app . Tap “Storage & cache,” then “Clear cache.

Please note that sometimes the problem is in Facebook servers & It will resolve itself. If none of the above solution helped to fix the issue then you can  report a problem to facebook team

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