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Inequality is important section for many private exams, And many exam aspirants are finding Inequality questions very confusing. In this section we have describe different types of inequality question that you should try and we recommend you to practise hard. Best Way to score high in these section is to practise inability questions.We will later upload Inequality Questions & Answers PDF Download 2021.
Direction:In the following questions, after consider the below statements to be true, find which of the two conclusions I and II given them is/are definitely true.
Questions 1 . Statements: A > B, B ≥ C, C < D
I. A > C
II. A = C
A) Only I is true
B) Only II is true
C) Either I or II true
D) Neither I nor II is true
E) Both I and II is true
Question 2: Statements: P = E, Q ≥ P, V < Q
I. Q ≤ E
II. E > V
A) Only I is true
B) Only II is true
C) Either I or II true
D) Neither I nor II is true
E) Both I and II is true
Direction: In the question symbols $, #, % are used for different meaning as follows.
$ means ‘neither greater nor equal to’.
# means ‘neither greater nor smaller than’.
% means ‘neither smaller nor equal to’.
In each of the following questions assuming the given statements to be true, find out which of the two conclusions I and II given below them is/are definitely true.
Question 1: Statements: T % I, I # L, L % U
I. T $ L
II. U $ T
A) Only I is true
B) Only II is true
C) Either I or II true
D) Neither I nor II is true
E) Both I and II is true
Question 2: Statements: M # K, K % P, P $ R
I. R $ M
II. P % M
Only I is true Only II is true Either I or II true Neither I nor II is true Both I and II are true
A) Only I is true
B) Only II is true
C) Either I or II true
D) Neither I nor II is true
E) Both I and II is true
Directions: In the following questions, the symbols @, ©, %, $ and Ùare used with the following meaning as illustrated below:
‘P © Q’ means ‘P is either equal to or greater than Q’.
‘P % Q’ means ‘P is smaller than Q’.
‘P * Q’ means ‘P is either equal to or smaller than Q’.
‘P @ Q’ means ‘P is greater than Q’.
‘P $Q’ means ‘P is equal to Q’.
Now in each of the following questions assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the two conclusions I and II given below them is/are definitely true.
Question 1. Statements: W * X, X @ Y, Y % Z
I. W % Y
II. Z @ W
A) Only I is true
B) Only II is true
C) Either I or II true
D) Neither I nor II is true
E) Both I and II is true
Question 2: Statements: H % G, G © F, F ٠E
I. F % H
II. G © E
A) Only I is true
B) Only II is true
C) Either I or II true
D) Neither I nor II is true
E) Both I and II is true