Practice Simplification Quantitative Question, Tips Tricks, PDF for SBI PO

Simplification Quantitative Question for Bank IBPS exam

in quantitative section simplification questions are very important and will ask section in various government, PSU, bank IBPS exams. If you are also preparing for Govt jobs ,Then you should prepare well for simplification questions as the section is well scoring session and can save a lot time for you.

In this post we have listed some tips and tricks to solve simplification questions. We recommend you to practise as many as simplification quantity questions as speed is the key in this question.

Tips Tricks To Solve Simplification Questions


Learn Basic and Table and fasten up your Calculation speed:

  • Learn Tables up to 20
  • Learn Cubes up to 20
  • Learn Squares up to 20
  • Learn Fractions up to 20
  • Always solve the simplification by using VBODMAS rule i.e
    V → Vinculum
    B → Remove Brackets – in the order ( ) , { }, [ ]
    O → Of
    D → Division
    M → Multiplication
    A → Addition
    S → Subtraction

2. It is important for a candidate to solve at least 10-20 questions on a daily basis and try to do most of the everyday calculations on your own. Try to randomly solve higher and bigger digits in its shorter form. You can check the Cricket Scores that are quite big in numbers, and try to perform Average, Subtraction, Multiplications etc.  You can only increase your calculation by practice as much as you can.


There are the different trick to solve questions on Simplification and Approximation.

4. Practice ! Practice ! and Practice :
There is no substitute of practice and as the saying goes that the more you practice, the better you become.

Now Practice some Questions One by One on Simplification Quantitative

Q.1. 5÷√5=?

A. √5

B. 5

C. 25

D. 0.05

Sol : Option B
Applying BODMAS rule: 5 ÷ √5 = 5/√5 = √5

Q.2. (14)2 – (.06)2

A. 194.36

B. 193.36

C. 195.36

D. None of these

Sol : Option D
(14)2 – (.06)2
= 196 – .0036 = 195 .9964

Q3. 63 + 83 -73 / 62 + 83 – 72 = ?

A. 287/385

B. 223/167

C. 385/51

D. 231/378

Sol : Option C
63 + 83 -73 / 62 + 83 – 72

Q.4. What will come in place of question mark (?) in the following equations?

135% of 342 – 342% of 13.5 = ?

(A) 411.13            

(B) 412.23

(C) 413.33            

(D) 414.43

(E) 415.53


Q.5. Find the value of X

X = (6/119) * (63/8) * (17/9)

(A) 1/4

(B) 2/4

(C) 3/4

(D) 4


Q 6: What value should come in the place of question mark (?) in the following questions?
? * (100/160) of (35 * 8 – 120) = 330 + 552
 A 5368 

B 5024

C  4972 4566  

D None of these

Correct Ans:5368Explanation:—> x *(100/160 )of (280 – 120) = 330 + 3025
—> x *(100/160) = 3355
—> x = ((3355*160)/100)
—> x = 5368

Q7. 3.2% of 500 × 2. 4% of ? = 288
(a) 650
(b) 700
(c) 600
(d) 750
(e) 850

Sol. 16 × 2.4
100 ? = 288
? = 750

Q8. [(𝟏𝟑𝟎)𝟐 ÷ 𝟐𝟓 × 𝟏𝟓] ÷ 𝟑𝟎 = ?
(a) 352
(b) 314
(c) 326
(d) 338
(e) 426

Sol. ? = [ 130 × 130 ÷25 × 15]1/30 = 338

Q9. (6.5% of 375) – (0.85% of 230) =?
(a) 23.42
(b) 24.24
(c) 21.64
(d) 25.76
(e) 22.42

Sol. ? = 24.375 − 1.955 = 22.420

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